Tag Archives: build muscle burn fat

Weight Training Diet: How to build muscle and lose fat


Designing any weight training diet may be one of the most important factors in achieving body building goals. Some bodybuilders declare that properly designed diet plan is responsible for up to 80% of their success.

Many people believe that the easiest way to build lean muscle, especially if you need to lose some weight as well, is to practice like crazy and reduce calories. They believe that with less and exercise much more will force the body to tap into fat pray. It is not so simple, however.

To begin with, counting calories is only part of the necessary habits. Design a perfect bodybuilding nutrition program is not only about how much to consume.It is important to know when to eat, as well as any food raises our metabolic rate and to reduce it. Many extreme eating plans promise rapid weight loss by reducing calorie intake also decreased appetite. The truth is, they put your system into starvation mode and you decrease the metabolic rate.

current basal metabolic rate (BMR) depends on other factors that you need to take into account. The most critical are your health, gender, age and size of our body. Men usually have more muscle and less fat than girls do, but to plan a diet plan is equally important. Another important factor in planning your weight training weight loss program is a lifestyle and your work problems; construction worker needs a different weight training diet compared to someone who spends hours working on the computer.

Some people work out on an empty stomach can help them lose weight. Of course, eating too much exercise, you can get stomach cramps so apply common sense. On the other hand, if you exercise on an empty stomach, your body goes directly to muscle tissue for fuel, instead of excess fat. You end up tired and finally stop exercising completely because it will probably be too difficult.

In addition, our body needs fuel for other important functions as respiration, circulation, creating a warm, growing hair and nails, developing and cells, along with the normal function of the coronary heart, lungs, nervous system and other bodily organs.

The best thing you can do is eat a normal meal before exercise as to allow plenty of time between eating and going to the fitness center. The best and safest solution to create the best weight training diet and sticking to it, is to follow qualified advice and maintain a food diary.

You find formulas you can use to calculate the weight training diet that will be most effective for your house, gender, plus the level of activity. They design a program much easier.

Putting all increased exposure exercise and neglect diet is a big mistake that can prevent you from achieving real results in less time. No matter how important the program weight, weight instruction diet can make a difference.


How to build muscle without weights Fast – 5 Important Tips


Learn how to build muscle without weights fast is not impossible to do. You can achieve this by doing exercises with your own body weight or doing resistance band exercises. Remember workout routines should be a mixture of both to achieve the body you want without using weights. Here are some tips and exercises on how you can successfully make it


If you want to learn how to build muscle without weights fast, so you should learn how to do push-ups. At least 3 sets or 15 repetitions of push-ups can already help you develop your muscles especially the shoulders, chest and arms.

Standing calf raises

This can be very useful in strengthening and developing the proper shape legs. You can simply use the structures or even stairs in your home to perform this exercise.

Bicycle Crunches

If you want to learn how to build muscle without weights fast and well developed muscles in the abdominal part of the body, then this exercise should be included in life. Bicycle crunches can work the upper and lower abdomen plus your obliques. The habits, make sure you do at least 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each leg to maintain a balance between each leg.


This exercise is very useful when trying to develop the muscles of the thighs and legs. You can do this exercise for 3 sets of 15 repetitions each of life.

Cardiovascular exercises

This should definitely be included in your exercise routine. If you really want to learn how to develop muscle without weights fast, then you should include this in practice this can be very useful. Make sure to spend a few minutes swimming or running or doing other cardiovascular exercises to enhance the body’s health and fitness.

Learn how to build muscle fast without weights, and exercise is a healthy diet plan. Make sure your diet menu contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients that help develop muscles. Good muscle-building foods can be beans, chicken, lean meat, fish, whey, eggs, oatmeal, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, vegetables and sweet potatoes. A diet that is made up of some of these foods along with exercise routine can definitely help you to develop and build muscles without using weights.


How to build muscle mass – 5 Tips to Build a Huge muscles


Learn how to build muscle mass can is time consuming and tedious; which means that we can easily become impatient or distracted from our basics and start to worry about too many details in place.

As a retired muscle building / fitness instructor and writer I generally have muscle builders start asking these types of questions daily .. ..

“How can I isolated upper my chest?” “How can I work my outer quads?” “How can I build the rear deltoids so they released even with the front delts?”

Now surprise …. if you have not received a significant amount of muscle mass and have at least one year of continuous training under your belt, do not worry about it!

Because only concern is packing as much lean muscle mass and strength on your frame as possible! In other words, you still have to build the foundation for physique

If you are serious about learning how to build muscle mass, follow these 5 simple steps :.

1) Find effective, well rounded muscle building program and stick to it religiously.

2) Take all workout calendar and focus on adding more weight to the bar consistently.

3) grinding the hardest, most difficult first Compound exercises like squats or deadlifts; and the use of training in these discomfort zones.

4) Eat at least 6 or 7 Muscle Building meals every day, period! . Plan ahead to prevent this very common mistake

5) Get plenty of quality rest, sip water throughout the day and take your protein supplements whenever necessary

In other words :. To build your foundation FIRST

The quickest way to learn how to build muscle mass is to understand that you have to stick to the basics and build a proper foundation before you worry about the little things.

Building lean muscle mass! is something that takes time and determination ,. but if done correctly, the benefits will last a lifetime


How to Build Muscle Fast


The main objective of the body building workout is to build muscle fast.

Just as the plant begins to flower and form seeds and survival issues when it is put under stress, our bodies begin to build muscle when we put them under pressure in the workout.

In order to build muscle fast you need to train at a high level of intensity. Resistance training at such a high level of intensity is not always easy, but the total dedication is necessary to add body mass and build muscle fast.

In every exercise you need to push your body as close as it is possible limit.

There are two stages to all exercises, concentric and eccentric.

stage of exercise where you lift, such as reducing the movement of the chin up, concentric or positive level.

stage of exercise while you relax the tension on the muscle, similar descending movement during the chin up, is eccentric or negative level.

concentric or eccentric muscular failure occurs when you are unable to perform more repetitions of concentric or eccentric stage. Maximum possible effort is the next time you repeat any set of exercises for concentric muscle failure or close to it.

With each repetition set of exercises It gets harder and harder and eventually you reach a point where you physically can not do any more, no matter how hard you try. Training in this way so that you reach muscular failure is one of the best ways to build muscle fast. Some do not believe you should go as far as muscle failure and you need to train close to this level of intensity if you are to reach your goal to build muscle fast.

If you are just starting training gradually working towards this goal. It is important that you carry out any exercise correctly to prevent injury and to get the most benefit from it. Once you learn this you can start to increase the intensity of training.

Mental discipline plays a big role in the success of any training program. By controlling your thoughts and focusing on results or outcome you want to achieve rather than discomfort or pain you are sustained while training will help you to reach higher and higher levels of training.

Just training at the same level all the time is beneficial to the body, but is not the way to build muscle fast.

You will constantly push your body to it’s limit or level of muscle failure before the bodies built mechanism kicks in that requires it to do something different to meet the challenge of increasing the burden is placed on it.There is no longer seen how it is so, it begins to develop more muscles to cope with increased demand being placed on it. The higher demand body gets ie. the more it is pushed to the limit is more muscle it will develop.

strain on you train determines the amount of muscle you will develop and how quickly you will build muscle. You will build muscle fast if you constantly push your body to the limit and it must be adapted (muscle building) to meet the challenge.


Build Muscle From Home


Is it possible to build real muscle at home? I get this question a lot and the answer is yes! You do not have to join a gym to build muscle or get stronger. With the right equipment and planning you can have an effective bodybuilding program from the comfort of your home. Maybe you can not afford a gym membership due to your financial situation. You lead a busy lifestyle and would prefer to save time by training at home. Maybe you’re simply too embarrassed or uncomfortable to train in a regular exercise program at the moment.

Whatever the reason there are many advantages to working out at home.

You do not have to wait forever to use the equipment.

You do not have to smell everyone.

You get to listen to whatever music you want and feel more confident because you do not have a group of people around you. I could grunt, yelp and scream through my sets if I was in the mood without disturbing anyone (hey, squatting to failure is not easy okay?) Or train shirtless if I felt like it. When the workout was over, I could sprawl out on the floor in exhaustion and know that my post workout shakes were just a few steps away, and I would not have to hobble to my car and spend anymore time driving home.

The only real downside is that the selection exercise will decrease because you will not have access to certain pieces of machinery such as leg press or calf machine. You can purchase certain machines if you have money to spend and plan on training at home in the long term, but for the majority of people this is simply not possible.

The good news is that the way out proper bodybuilding routine does not use any fancy equipment, and all machine exercises that you would regularly perform can be swapped for free replacement weight. Build muscle from home necessary equipment

Here is the basic equipment gym should include :.

1) An adjustable barbell with free plates weight – A cast iron set is probably a good idea and you must also make sure that you purchase enough weight so that you can continually progress from week to week

2) Adjustable dumbbells -. This is much more efficient and cost effective than buying an entire set of dumbbells. You should be able to buy the barbell and dumbbells together in one collection

3) A bench with incline changes -. A good sturdy bench is a must-have for himself bench presses and other seated movements. If possible, you should purchase a bench that can be put on the deficit and that also contains safety catches if you’re training alone

4) A chin-up bar -. This can usually be purchased for 15-20 dollars and can be installed inside the door frame

5) A squat rack -. This is usually the most difficult piece of equipment to purchase, as a full squat rack can be expensive. Short indispensable movement and should always be part of your workout, especially if you do not have a leg press machine handy.

If you can not afford a squat rack then you need to be creative. The bottom line is that you must have some sort of device that allows you to safely unrack loaded bar and drop the bar on safety catch (or floor) if your strength gives out the elevator. Do not ever squat without a safe place to drop the bar! Most full squat racks will also provide a chin-up bar on top, so you can kill two birds with one stone if you decide to buy one.

There you go best top five pieces of equipment for your home. Try to use the fitness ball, no it is not girlish you actually get a really good workout. Do push ups in that it works to your pecs and abs the abs to keep you in the middle. Do sit ups and abs get stretched while been working on increasing your profits.

With the right equipment and information that you can just build muscle from home.


Seven Simple Exercises to build muscle fast


Many people want to build muscle but do not know what to do. In this guide you will get seven exercises that when you do them together in one work out what is the fastest way to build muscle.

For this exercise to successfully build muscle fast you have to make the exercise as followed:

-For the first two weeks just making the circuit twice. Do each exercise with no more than 30 seconds rest in between. Once you have completed one cycle rest for 1 to 2 minutes and then finish to repeat the process.

-After the first 2 weeks you should be happy with the workout and should be increased to three cycles rather than two.

-It is important that you do each exercise with proper weight and when you move the more weight you should only increase the weight of 10% or less.

Below are 7 exercises that are going to be the fastest way to build muscle.

1. The first exercise you should do is bent-leg knee raises. You do this by lying on your back, relax your head and neck, and put your hands on the floor near your butt. You have to put your feet flat on the floor. To do this exercise you need to lower your abdominal muscles so you can raise your knees to the rib cage, and then slowly lower your feet back to its original position. You have to do this 12 times per set.

2. This exercise is called the V-Up. To do this you lie on your side with your body in a straight line and your arms folded across your chest. You need to keep your legs together as you lift them off the floor toward the top elbow are also rise towards the hip. You should do 10 reps of these on each side and should feel the contraction in your obliques.

4. This next one, Bridge, is part of the palate program. You need to get into push-up position but with your elbows bent. It is important that your body is in a straight line and pull your abdomen in. You should start with doing 20 seconds while breathing steadily and going to do about 60 seconds later sets. You should do 1 or 2 reps.

5. This next exercise, tricep pull downs, are an easy exercise. You need to get to a tricep pushdown machine. To do this exercise you bring the bar to directly at your waste with your elbows against your side. Push the bar down until the arm is extended but not to the extent that you lock your elbows out, and then go back position. You should do 10 reps of this.

6 foot extension is done by sitting on a leg extension machine with your feet in the bads, lean back slightly, and lift the pads to where the leg is extended. Do 10 reps of them as well.

7. You can do bicep curls with either a dumbbell or barbell. Hold the barbell in front of you, curl weights toward shoulders, waiting for a moment, and then return to starting position. Do 10 reps of them as well.

If you do these seven exercises together you should see that this is the fastest way to build muscles.


Best Diets for belly fat and foods that help build Muscle – Simple and easy


For those of us who want to lose belly fat and gain muscle we need to know what are the best foods that can help to achieve both of these objectives. In order to maintain a healthier lifestyle is not only important that you should exercise regularly to burn off unwanted fat, you should also keep a close eye on the foods you eat too. Many problems that we all face at some point in any diet is the fact that many food dieting are “boring and tasteless” so to speak.

Within this article are some of the foods available to you that will help build muscle and reduce your calorie intake.


Lean protein like lean beef contains zinc and iron which is essential as it helps to promote muscle growth, it is also high in creatine, which in turn provides energy to the muscles.


As with all types of mollusc, oysters are too high in protein, vitamin B -12, iron and copper are low in fat and contains good source minerals.By eat oysters regular blood will be kept in good condition as it also carries oxygen to the muscles.


Undoubtedly the egg to be one of the most popular source of protein and are readily available and very easy to prepare any type of meal, they are too rich in choline which is very good for the brain.


As part of the legume family, lentils are good for keeping both energy and blood sugar levels stable as well as being a great source of soluble fiber. Lentils contain a lot of valuable protein that releases energy will slow to a more complex carbohydrates, which is then ideal for long workouts.


Oily fish including mackerel and sardines are high in Omega 3 fatty acids that can boost insulin levels of the body, by making it increases your metabolism too.

cashew nuts

These small parcels of nutrients are high in potassium, magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, folate and vitamin E and are a good source of fiber. Fat oil is considered to be very useful to our body.

There are many types of nuts available such as hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds and Brazil nuts.


As well as being rich in lycopene, tomatoes are good food that can help eliminate stress. The lycopene in tomatoes are more powerful when cooked -. As in ketchup, for example,


as oatmeal or barley, spelled is a very good grain source of slow release energy foods. This is also found in flake form, ideal for breakfast cereal.


Best Workout to build muscle


to have the best workout to build muscle, you need to understand the basics of how the muscles in your body grows. Knowing what accelerates or slows the muscle building is necessary for effective muscle growth. Build muscle may struggle if you do not posses a basic knowledge of muscle growth. A few simple changes in lifestyle and exercise regimen anyone can yield amazing results.

You do not have to be a fitness expert to know the muscles grow at rest, not exercise. Big mistake made by newcomers to build muscle is the training and fatiguing until muscle rather than to stimulate the growth. If you do not give the muscles enough time to recover, you will actually prevent muscle building. When you lift weights, you are supposed to focus on the muscles to the point that it breaks down at the cellular level, which leads to increased protein synthesis, which produces a thicker muscle fibers. The body builds up muscle the natural response to strenuous activity.

One of the most important ways to achieve results quickly the discipline diet. Eliminate as many processed and unhealthy foods out of it as you can. This does not fast or junk food. Start looking at the ingredients and nutritional values ​​on the packaging. Things to avoid are foods that contain preservatives and foods that are high in sugar or fat. Sometimes treat himself is allowed and deprive yourself completely is not recommended because this is likely to lead to binge eating foods you are not allowed.

Add protein and carbohydrate rich food to your diet. Foods that you should try and include in your diet are healthy foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates such as chicken, plan protein and Turkey as well as fish, eggs and brown rice and pasta. Everyday your first should contain large amounts of carbohydrates to keep your energy levels stable. This can help to ensure that you have enough energy to lose weight build muscle.

Weight lifting or strength training is required to be able to lose the treated muscle building and without that you can find what you are losing weight, but muscles are not developed. Joining a gym is one of the best ways to build muscle. Weight lifting and exercise machine in a gym can help to lose weight build muscle. But the gym can also seek help from professionals who work there or other people looking to achieve the same results as you but are a little longer.

development programs and decide which exercises you will do on any day is the key to muscle building. Some exercises focus on specific muscles than other exercises call for several muscles at once. The important thing is to make sure each muscle gets a chance to rest for at least a full day before using it again. Muscles grow at rest, not exercise. If you focus on the muscle again before the recovery process is complete, you will break down muscle fibers before they have had a chance to rebuild.

Always warm up and stretch before you start lifting weights or start any type of exercise. This helps get your muscles warm and prevent injury. You can warm up with cardio or by doing a light set of each exercise before going to heavier weights.

To avoid plateaus or muscles adapt to certain exercises, you need to increase the load on a regular basis. You can do this by increasing the amount of weight lifted, changing your sets / reps, change the exercises and change the resistance. You can make these changes on a weekly or monthly basis.

Practice good form and invest the time needed to learn how to do each exercise properly with stretching exercise, proper stance and posture. Perform exercises incorrectly will not only reduce the efficiency of movement, but you will also be increasing the risk of injury. To master each exercise, learn to do it slowly with light weight.

finally one of the most overlooked factors in the growth of muscle sleep. Sleep is a critical component of rest. Avoid caffeine and alcohol for deeper sleep.

These few lifestyle changes and exercise habits can show you immediate results in growing muscles. Many people go by and spend big money on all kinds of fancy gym memberships, supplements, nutritionist, personal trainers etc just to learn these few simple steps that will drastically change the physique when properly applied.


How to burn fat and build muscle


Fat burning advantage by practicing exercises in the morning. A common question …

Is it better cardiovascular exercise in the morning or the evening?

You burn the same number of calories in the morning than in the evening for the same amount of exercise. However, studies show that the percentage of fat burned during exercise in the morning on an empty stomach is larger.

Research at the University of Kansas State in the United States, to assess what calories you burn by doing exercises fasting and also after normal meal.

Eight people in good physical shape (aged 21-27 years) participated in this study.

The results have shown that you burn the same amount of calories on an empty stomach after a meal, but people who had consumed all the calories for exercise, burn greater amount of fat than those who ate their last meal up to an hour and a half before practice.

Other features are related to cardiovascular exercise done in the morning. Increased energy during the day and increases metabolism (more calories burned) awake time.

In addition, this research has shown that people who cultivate early tend to keep their exercise program long term.

While those who prefer to exercise later in the day tend to miss workouts, this being due to the disturbance and fatigue daily.

Analysts agree that the training exercise movement is generally beneficial regardless of the time you do.

Get up early to do your cardio can help you burn more calories from fat.

Exercising at night is also effective and should not be overlooked. When you exercise in the evening, increases metabolism so you burn fat and reduce a huge advantage for the cardiovascular system.

Spread your meals to burn more fat.

The composition and distribution of meals can play an important role in your ability to burn fat.

Losing fat fast depends not only what you eat but when you eat.

If you do cardio in the morning, do it immediately after waking up and not eat.

take more types of energy efficiency Booster with caffeine before exercise to help mobilize fat for energy.

Research shows that the use of caffeine before exercise can help burn more fat by affecting the supply of it for energy.

To maximize the benefits of cardio all day, you need to replace your meals and reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.

Do your cardio 2 or 3 hours after eating and make sure that this meal is low in sugar to reduce the effect of insulin and to maximize fat loss.

After the exercise, try to eat a meal in a relatively low glycemic index.

This will help support hormone responsible for burning fat, such as glucagon and insulin control.

Eat at least two hours before a cardiovascular workout and making sure meals before and after exercise, you’re Carb burn more calories from fat and avoid depression energy.

Set the length of cardiovascular exercise to build muscle.

Moderate intensity cardio work is the best way to build muscle and improve heart health. While cardio is beneficial to health in general, do cardio 4-6 times a week in high intensity is cons-productive to muscle growth.

If you do cardio while trying to build muscle, it should be of medium intensity.

Removal low intensity exercises that keep the heart at a rate that does not exceed 60% of the maximum frequency (VO2 max).

If the concentration is too high, excess calories are burned and you can use some of the muscles for energy.

balance and distribute meals to build muscle mass.

Build muscle means eating in quantity and quality sufficient to increase muscle mass.

Eat plenty of high quality protein throughout the day, both before and after exercise.

Start the day with a source of quality protein in addition to breakfast (Pure Performance ® Whey or whey protein results).

It is important to contribute to high-quality protein and carbohydrates immediately upon waking. Then begin your workout in the morning.

If you train in the evening, good absorb calories including protein, complex carbohydrates and essential fats before you start your day.

This is much different for people who aim to try to burn fat and avoid eating before cardiovascular exercise.

Recent research conducted by Tipton show that the consumption of 30 grams of whey protein concentrate (containing 15 grams of essential amino acids) before and after exercise can increase protein synthesis up to 400%!

Additional studies show that consuming drinks that combines protein and carbohydrates, protein powder type drink immediately after exercise can also increase protein synthesis.

These are placed in more muscle if consumed several hours later.

The following meals should contain a mixture of high quality protein and complex carbohydrates.

Build muscle depends on the balance between the right training, nutritional quality and adequate rest for recovery.

Neglecting any of these settings may prevent muscle you want.


The Right Diet to Build Muscle


Finding the right diet to build muscle can be tricky. The body needs a lot of diet to build more muscle, if you do not eat enough, not regular enough or you get a mix of food at the wrong time your in the gym can simply just break down muscle muscle without hope of renewal.

This is why finding the right diet to build muscle for you is so important, in fact, the training program will only get you so far right diet will change the results. When looking for the right diet to build muscle you need to look for a few things.

Experience authors

Experience is not everything, but I think it gives the author a unique insight into what the right diet and obstacles you can expect to build muscle. The top instructors like Tom Venuto experience with their own bodies and the people they work with, which means they create programs that address many of the challenges you can expect to come across and proven method to produce results with people they work with.

Professionalism authors

Professionalism is very important in the world of diet books and is very important for the diet to build muscle. Many diet and bodybuilding advice comes from personal experience, but as professional trainers know the experience of one man will be very different from the next, so professional trainer or nutritionist has experience with a variety of different people and is able to produce food that suits the needs of many different people . A professional author will also use more science and physiology knowledge to create their diet usually produces a more efficient, higher quality diet plan.
