Build Muscle, Lose Fat, get six pack


Building muscle takes a huge amount of commitment. You can not expect to see results overnight or even in a few weeks. Building £ lean solid muscle takes months if not years. This may sound scary and unattainable for you but there is hope. Here we will teach you how to build muscle effectively in the least amount of time. This however does not mean that you will look like a bodybuilder after month. As said before, this process takes time and strong-minded. We can teach you the techniques, strategies and facts to achieve your goals, however, we can not force compliance, nor will knock you. These criteria will be up to you, but the rest of the formula is written here! Read on and let your muscles grow!

The first step is to find a program with other words list in training for weeks that you must train (you can find many effective exercises tab in exercises). There are many ways to create your own workout. You can work out 3,4,5,6, or even 7 days a week. You can do full body exercises, you can do some muscle groups a day, or you can even make one muscle group per day. You can incorporate the training match, super sets and isolation exercises. You can do 12 sets a day or if you want to, even 25 sets a day. There are endless possibilities in creating workouts and that’s why it is very difficult to answer the question of “the exercise will be best for me?” Everyone’s body responds differently to each exercise and it could be great for one person may not be nearly as effective for you.

So with all these features exercise not start where possible? This question again plays in making goal seeking, your schedule, and your will. But there are some important points that every workout should be followed. These include:

· Never work out the same muscle group two days in a row. The exercise targeted muscles will break down, you may think that muscle is to grow the practice, but it really is deleted. The time you spend on training is actually the muscles will be doing themselves and grow. This can be called recovery period. If you exercise the same muscle group often you will never allow your muscles a chance to repair and therefore will never be allowed to grow. The time needed for recovery varies among many and is usually around 2-4 days on how much you work out these muscles. Find special your recovery time is usually done best by trial and error. When you first start training to allow at least two hours before you use the same muscle group again.

· Never workout for more than 2 hours! Just because you do 100 more reps does not mean your muscles are going to get 100 times larger You should not even be working out near two hours. In fact, the amount of time you exercise is subject to various, strength, diet, how long you’ve been training routine, even genetics. The higher intensity workouts shorter it should be (in general). When you exercise too long, you will actually be counterproductive. Two very bad things can happen when you workout too long. One is, because much destruction of energy during exercise, your body could actually begin to break down muscle for energy. This is rare and you would not lose a lot of muscle, but you see the point of the counter productivity.

The second is much more common and it is Overtraining. Overtraining occurs on a small long term you train your muscles before they get better. In a period like this one gets no muscle at all. Overtraining is very common among beginners. They go to the gym every day doing set after set after set thinking they are going to get much though their workouts have worse impact on them then just staying at home would. In bodybuilding work out to get you strong and muscular but working out too much gets you nowhere. The main symptoms of overtraining are:

o sleep disturbances

o Strength Plateau (the concentration is not increasing)

o Increased heart rate at rest

o Fatigue

o Loss of appetite or lower concentrations

Switch up your routine weeks 3-4. During exercise muscles begin to get accustomed to the routine you are doing. To stimulate and shock your muscles replace exercise for what you have never done or what you have not done in a while. For example, the biceps instead of doing barbell curls do intended for alternate dumbbell curls. Keeping the routine fresh and updated will help you to increase muscle mass and strength.

Lift to fail and increasing resistance. For the muscle to grow it needs to focus on. Make sure your muscles are burning and exhausted by the time you complete the set. Make sure that you can not even more repetion before you put the weight back down. Also not continuously use the same amount of weight. To muscles to grow bigger you have to regularly be the extra weight you’re lifting. Heavier equal bigger muscles. Benching 135 lbs. 30 times will not give you the same effect and benching 250 lbs. 4 times.

The last key is to limit the use of machinery. Machine weight control for you to limit the amount of various muscles that you put into practice. Free weights also stimulate stabilizer muscles are muscles that keep all the muscles and other parts in place. Stabilizer muscles also very effectively prevent damage and injuries to key muscles. Some machines are very effective isolation exercises (one joint movement exercises such as barbell curls) such as a bicep curl machine and chest fly machine. Still, the majority of training should be done using free weights, they will make you stronger and make you less susceptible to injury.

For beginners, we recommend 3-4 days a week workout that includes many exercises combined. (see beginner workout tab workout in). To find specific exercises for specific body parts visit exercise tab in the menu.

Well, you’ve workout on track so it is time to change the way you eat. Many believe that to get the maximum benefit of their training that they should eat thousands of calories more than their body requires. They always brag about how much muscle they have received when they fail to see that most of the new weight is fat. Ideal conditions can at most gain.25-.5 pound of muscle per week! I know it’s not what you want to hear, but spread out over the year, which is 12-24 lbs. of solid muscle! As you gain muscle, your body will also naturally hold more water. Per for every pound of muscle you will get also get a half pound of water weight. So all year you can get 18-36 lbs.! So back to the diet, eating thousands of calories increase will not have any effect on muscle growth. Yes you need to eat more to gain muscle mass but you want to do this to get as little fat as possible. There is a point where the extra calories will not be used to build muscle and they will just be stored as fat (read our myth played / cutting cycles accounted for more information).

So step 1 in your diet is to eat more calories than you burn in order to maintain and build new muscle. Remember that no one is the same and this number can vary slightly from person to person. General rule of thumb is to eat about 250-500 calories than you burn. (to find out how much you burn you can use BMR calculator is a tab in Tools menu). If you notice that you are gaining more than a pound a week, but the extra weight is likely to put on as fat. You should always monitor your weight and body fat percentage to know how many calories you should ideally consume.

Once you have figured out your calorie intake needs to build muscle, you should add protein, carbohydrates, fat percentage designed to build muscle. A standard rate to build muscle is 40%, 40%, 20%. Which means that 40% of calories your should come from protein, 40% come from carbohydrates, and 20% should come from healthy fats. Always make sure you are getting around 1.5-2grams of protein per lb. lean body mass (40% of protein should cover it). Lean body mass = Your weight weight from fat. You should replace calories in six small meals throughout the day, making sure everybody has a good amount of protein with it. If you eat six small meals a day you supply your body with nutrients throughout the day so it is easier for the body to restore it is broken down muscle. One of these meals should eat right after exercise, and about an hour after exercise. At this time the body will absorb protein and other nutrients faster to rebuild and refuel itself.

Meals should not eat right before a workout. Many drink a protein shake for their exercise, but they do not realize that it takes up to 4 hours for the protein to be digested and broken down. It has shaken the positive effect of exercise. In fact, it robs them of energy, where the digestive system requires a lot of energy to break down food it takes the current energy and uses it for the digestion of food. What should eat before a workout is low carbohydrate filled snacks. Because carbohydrate breakdown within an hour of consuming eating granola bar an hour before exercise will give you energy to be able to apply for training. Last meal you eat should be bedtime, it should be high in protein desirable casein protein (slowly dissolved protein). During sleep you go 8-10 hours without nutrients so eating right before bed and right when you wake up is very important!

Now’s your diet to set up so it’s time to look at other factors that are important for building muscle. You should preferably sleep 10 hours a day, never less than 8 sleep is when the muscles are recovering most efficiently. Lack of sleep can easily lead to overtraining and tired muscles. Sleep is important for growing muscle.

Drink lots of water! Muscles are made up of about 70% water. Keeping your body hydrated is extremely important to try to build muscle. The amount you should drink varies from person to person, but the general rule is that if your urine is clear and if you have to urinate every hour to hour and a half you are liquids. A formula that estimates the necessary water intake body x.6 = amount of water (in ounces). Keep in mind that you will sweat during exercise and you will be required to drink more meetings workout.

Stay stress free! It has been proven that high levels of stress can affect muscle gains. Keep calm and enjoy life! Limit alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the body drastically and hydration is very important to build muscle. Squat !! Many people want to get a huge upper body and neglect feet. Squatting is very important to gain the whole size. A short use very many muscles in the body, big ones and small ones, stimulation of many muscle creates a huge increase in testosterone production. More testosterone will be as faster and larger muscle gains.

Take a break! At constant exercise testosterone can reduce our body. You should take a week break every month and a half or so to increase testosterone and give your muscles a break. Many times you will notice that after a week break you are able to lift more and lift more! Lifting heavier equal bigger muscles! Taking supplements! Supplements are not required but can provide a huge performance boost.


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